Sananga is a plant from the genus Tabernaemontana (T. undulata, T. sananho)...
Master Plants
Ibogaine is the most intriguing substance in the composition of Chiric Sanango
Chiric sanango (Chiricaspi, Brunfelsia grandiflora) contains a group of...
Chiric Sanango: psychic rebirth at the cellular level
Chiric Sanango is one of the strongest shamanic plants of the American...
Why you need Chiric Sanango: Bones and nerves are the base for self–development
Self-development is a path that requires a holistic approach. People often...
Chuchuashi (chuchuhuasi) – natural medicine of the Amazon for joints and vitality
Chuchuashi (chuchuasi chuchuwasi, chuchuhuasi, lat. Maytenus Macrocarpa) is a...
Ajo Sacha (Mansoa alliacea) – the Teacher plant that leads to freedom
Ajo Sacha, or "garlic tree", is one of the strongest shamanic plants...
Plants of Power. How to drink them and what that is!
People used to have a specific opinion about the Plants of Power's mystical...
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The Dragon’s Blood plant (Sangre de grado) and its healing properties
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Bobinsana: Plant Medicine that helps to combine Power and Love
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Chacruna plant: mystical experience and science
Retreat Reviews
The work was amazing. Ayahuasca helped pull out the most stuck traumas that I didn’t even know about, remove the blocks that prevented me from walking through life with confidence and calm, being truly alive, being myself. I could not achieve such a result by working with a psychologist (I am not at all belittling their work now); in a retreat, the work occurs with great intensity and efficiency.
What happens on the retreat in the jungle
Popular Posts
The Dragon’s Blood plant (Sangre de grado) and its healing properties
Entheogens, or magic plants – what are they? Differences from psychedelic substances
Bobinsana: Plant Medicine that helps to combine Power and Love
Wild mango: a healing plant for head health and brightness of feelings
Chacruna plant: mystical experience and science
Retreat Reviews
The work was amazing. Ayahuasca helped pull out the most stuck traumas that I didn’t even know about, remove the blocks that prevented me from walking through life with confidence and calm, being truly alive, being myself. I could not achieve such a result by working with a psychologist (I am not at all belittling their work now); in a retreat, the work occurs with great intensity and efficiency.